Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Man Who was Poe

Tenement: a house divided into apartments(p.3 top)
Piteously: arousing pity (p.9 top)
Baleful: deadly ominous (p.7 bottom)
Decrepit: Broken down by old age (p.6 bottom)
Stench: a strong foul odor (p.6 bottom)
Dismal: causing gloom or depression (p.6 bottom)
Hodgepodge: a jumble (p.7 middle)

*Notes: Providence Rhode Island Nov 1848
Ann St tenement, table, chair, trunk.
Mum is missing.
Aunty went looking for her.
Sis reads Hansel and Gretel.
Edmund leaves the tenement to go to the saloon on Wickendon St for food.
Gets a half loaf of bread.
Edmund meets bent old man (on his way home), he needs help to find Shamrock St).
When Edmund returns Sis is gone, but the door is still locked.

*Answers Study Questions:
1. with Mum making a home for them
2. England
3. to get food
4. half a loaf of bread
5. guide him to Shamrock Street
6. Sis was gone

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