Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Chapter 19 The Giver

The Giver tells Jonas to watch the recording of the twin's release. Jonas is disgusted when he realizes that his father kills the twin. His father shows no remorse or emotion. After viewing the release, the Giver tells Jonas that Rosemary performed her own release.


In chapter 18 we find out about the previous receiver, Rosemary. She asked to be released after just 5 weeks of training! The Giver seems to be thinking about a way "out" for Jonas! Hmmm......I wonder........?

Chapter 17 The Giver

Today is an unscheduled holiday! Jonas is happy but he realizes that his family really feels NOTHING! Jonas sees Asher playing in a field. The kids are all playing "war." He asks the children, "please don't play it anymore", he can't help but relive the memories he has of warfare. Asher gets smart with Jonas and then apologizes. Fiona asks Jonas to go for a bike ride, he says "no".
In the evening at home, Father talks about the releasing tomorrow. He tells how he will make the lighter twin comfy and prepare it for Elsewhere. Jonas asks if someone from elsewhere gets the twin....father says yes. In the end Lily is chattering about the idea of everyone being a twin......maybe she would be a good storyteller.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Chapter 16

The Giver shares his favorite memory......it includes family, love, grandparents, warmth, happiness. It is Christmas!
Jonas goes home and asks his parents. "Do you love me?" They laugh and tell him that "love is a very generalized word, so meaningless that it has become obsolete." Jonas lied and said that he understood why the word was inappropriate, even though he had never felt anything so meaningful.
The December ceremony is now 2 months away. Gabe has been doing well in Jonas' room. He will be given to a family at the next ceremony. Jonas tells Gabe....Things could be different, and there could be "love." Jonas throws away his pill!

Chapter 15

Jonas arrives for work and The Giver is in terrible pain, he begs Jonas to take some of the pain. Jonas enters into the memory of WARFARE! It is a horrific memory of young soldiers dying on a battlefield. When Jonas opens his eyes...The Giver says "Forgive me"

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Chapter 14

Jonas gets the painful memory of a broken leg from a sledding accident. Jonas is feeling more and more apart from everyone he knows, except The Giver. Everyday of training now includes some pain, and Jonas is beginning to realize how unfair his situation is. The Giver talks about why a receiver is needed for the community.
Jonas' father is preparing for the release of an identical twin to be born soon. Father is responsible for choosing the baby to be released, hopefully the choice will be an easy one. Jonas' father also talks about Gabe and how he is still having trouble sleeping. Jonas volunteers to have Gabe's crib in his room for the night, so his family can sleep. Gabe wakes during the night and Jonas accidentally gives Gabe the memory of a soothing sailboat ride. Gabe wakes again during the night and Jonas is able to soothe him back to sleep with the memories. Jonas decides not to tell The Giver.


The Giver talks to Jonas about the idea of having choices and Jonas decides "We really have to protect people from wrong choices."
Jonas tries to give away the memory of color to Asher, it doesn't work. Next he tries to give his dad and Lily the heart wrenching memory of the elephant's tusks being poached, he can not do it and he seems to know that he shouldn't. Jonas asks The Giver if he has ever had a spouse. He says that he did have a spouse, but now that they are no longer needed to create families, his spouse lives with the Childless Adults. The Giver begins to help Jonas understand that there is a whole part of his life that he can not share with a family, that his life is the memories. The Giver says that the community needs them, to prevent the chaos that was caused by the memories being released 10 years ago when the other selection failed.
Jonas is often sent away from his training when The Giver is in too much pain. One afternoon, following a day when Jonas has been sent away, he asks The Giver what causes him pain? The Giver decides it is time to show him and has Jonas recall the sled and the snow. .......

Black and white?????

Jonas dreams of the sled ride over and over all during the night, but he is not allowed to tell his dreams. It is a relief to him because there is no way to explain it to his family.
On his way to training, Jonas is with Fiona and something about her hair changes. Jonas asks The Giver about it. The Giver tests him and decides that it is the Capacity to See Beyond and that what Jonas sees is color! Specifically the color RED!
Jonas learns that years and years ago the community decided to get rid of color. The Giver tells him "we gained control of many things. But we had to let go of others." Jonas decides that the community "shouldn't have" gotten rid of the colors. The Giver is surprised at how fast he came to that conclusion. In the end he decides to give Jonas the memory of a RAINBOW!

Monday, November 8, 2010


WOO HOO!!! Chapter 11!
Jonas gets a memory of something very unfamiliar to him.....SNOW!!! We find out that the community has something called "climate control" so that they have no changes in weather, and "sameness", so that they have no hills. The old Receiver makes an interesting statement that "Honor is not the same as power." He says that this job that they have has a lot on honor not power.
The second memory that Jonas is given is SUNSHINE. He gets the word for it without being told and he enjoys the feeling of warmth on his body. When he has finished the second memory he and the old Receiver talk and the old Receiver tells him that he has learned from the failure of the previous Receiver. Jonas tells him that he wants to experience some of the pain and that he is brave.
The old Receiver gives Jonas some pain in the form of sunburn. Jonas thinks that the pain isn't really going to be that bad after he receives it. Jonas thanks the old Receiver and prepares to leave, but asks the old Receiver before he leaves "What should I call you?" and he is told to call him "The Giver."

Monday, November 1, 2010

Chapter 10

Jonas goes off to his first day of training. He is surprised by all kinds of things in the Annex. First, there is a lock on the door. Second, the attendant stands when Jonas enters the Annex. Third, the room he enters is FULL OF BOOKS!!!! Fourth, the speaker in the room can be turned off.
The old Receiver looks tired and worn. He has light eyes like Jonas and Gaberial. He tells Jonas what his job will be. He must transmit to Jonas all the memories he has within himself. The memories of the past. Jonas is confused. The old man decides that he will start with Snow, Sled, and Downhill. He tells Jonas to take off his tunic and lay on the bed. He will transmit these memories by placing his hands on Jonas' back.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Chapter 9

Jonas is feeling separate and different. He thinks that the other people in the community are treating him differently as well. He goes home and his parents talk to him about this "great honor." They also tell Jonas about the failed Receiver (10 years ago) and how HER name is never to be spoken or given to a newchild again. No one really knows what happened to her.
Alone in his sleeping room Jonas opens his training folder. He has a list of 8 rules. Each of the rules is surprising to him. The last one makes him question everything he knows...YOU MAY LIE!!!!!!
Jonas wonders, does everyone have this in their rules?....WOW !!!!!Has everyone been lying to him?
Complete your double journal entry for Monday! Short week next week!

Chapter 8

"The audience is clearly ill at ease."
Chapter 8 begins with Jonas being called to the stage and the Chief Elder apologizing for the confusion. She begins to explain Jonas' selection as Receiver of Memory. She tells Jonas that it is the most honored position in the community and that his training will require him to be alone and apart. Jonas is concerned. The Chief Elder goes on to explain the qualities that they have found in Jonas.
Intelligence, Integrity, Courage, Wisdom, and the Capacity to See Beyond.
She also goes on to talk about the PAIN that Jonas will need to endure.
Although he is nervous, Jonas' heart swelled with gratitude and pride as the community chanted his name.
WOW...I don't think I would be excited about a job that involved indescribable pain. Would you?

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Chapter 7

Today was an independent reading of Chapter 7. How did you do? Did you read carefully? Did you remember how to answer the open ended question?

In the chapter, Jonas is waiting for his assignment to be given to him. (when his number "19" is called) The Chief Elder talks to the crowd about the Ceremony of Twelve being a celebration of differences, the only time when being "different" is a good thing in this community. Jonas' group mates get their assignments one by one and Jonas is not really surprised by any of them. Asher receives the assignment of Assistant Recreation Director. Fiona is Caretaker of the Old.
When it is Jonas' turn....the Chief Elder skips his number! Jonas wonders what had he done wrong?

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Chapter 6

The first day of the Ceremonies has begun. Hmmmm...what do we know so far?
At 1 babies get a family and a name.
At 7 kids get a front buttoned jacket.
At 8 start volunteer hours. Get a jacket with smaller buttons and a pocket. Lose comfort object
At 9 girls get rid of their hair ribbons.
At 9 both boys and girls get their bicycles.
At 10 kids get their hair cut.
At 11 new clothing ...undergarments for girls and longer trousers for boys with a small pocket.
At 12 kids get their assignment.

On the first day, they had the ceremonies of one through eight. The second day began with the nines and they all left for lunch after the elevens.

We also found out that the "committee" watches people, pairs them together with a spouse and after 3 years they may apply for children.

What else? What else?......Oh, yeah.....If you get released, you go Elsewhere. There is a ceremony for the loss of a child....."The Ceremony of Loss" and a ceremony to replace that child...."The Murmur-Of-Replacement" ceremony. (Totally strange and kind of spooky) At the end of the chapter the crowd of people head into the auditorium for the ceremony of 12. FINALLY! :)

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

So, today we find out that there is another ritual in this community.....Dream Telling. Citizens are required to tell their dreams in the morning. Jonas doesn't dream very often but last night he had a dream. He dreamed about Fiona in the bathing room at The House of the Old. He wanted to bathe her, but she was laughing and wouldn't let him. He says he knew something was wrong about it, but it was a pleasurable dream. His parents explain that this is his first "stirrings" and he will need to take a pill.....for the rest of his days until he goes to The House of the Old. (when he is old) Jonas takes the pill, it is a kind of "rite of passage" toward adulthood. He begins to forget his dream right after he takes the pill and leaves his house for school.
There are a lot of strong feelings in class about this whole idea! Isn't having feelings for other people what makes us human and not robots? Isn't having feelings for others part of what makes life exciting? WOW, most 8th graders don't want to live in this community!
Keep Reading!


In chapter 4 Jonas and his friends, Asher and Fiona, go to the "House of the Old" (a euphemism for a nursing home) to BATHE the old people as part of their volunteer hours. How weird is that? This is where we find out the rules about nakedness. No one can view another person's nakedness. (this rule does not apply to newchildren or the old)
Jonas does a little bit of everything when it comes to his volunteer hours, so he has no idea what his assignment will be.
Larissa (the woman he bathes) tells him about Roberto's release. She describes the ceremony and then she says that no one really knows what happens after the ceremony, the person just goes through a door into the releasing room. Hmmmmm???? I wonder........???

Term to remember: EUPHEMISM: a word or set of words used in place of other words that may seem offensive. (eg. used car = pre-ownwed vehicle)
Malapropism is another term we talked about , it means the mistaken use of a word in place of a similar sounding one, often with unintentional amusing effects.(Asher used "distraught" instead of "distracted")

Friday, October 22, 2010

Chapter 3

Chapter 3......What did we discover today? Jonas has pale eyes and so does Gabriel. (the newchild that father has brought home)Pale eyes are unusual and we discovered that it is rude to bring attention to differences in this community. There are very few mirrors ....they don't need them! Wow, how different would our society be if we had no mirrors! It would take a lot less time to get ready to leave the house everyday!
Jonas noticed an apple "change" as he had a catch with Asher. He can't figure out what happened exactly so he takes it home for further study. The Speaker makes an announcement that food is not to be taken home....hmmmm.....how does the Speaker know he took it??????
Don't forget to fill in your character sheet and to do your Venn diagram! Try not to miss me too much this weekend.....and I will try not to miss you! I am so excited to read this book with all of you....you are going to just love it!
Enjoy your weekend! See ya Monday!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Chapter 2 ....I hope you behaved in my absence!

So, chapter 2 is still part of the exposition.....we are getting to know the characters and we are discovering the "setting" .....a Utopia?????
The language they use in this community is curious, it seems to be devoid of emotions. A baby is called a "newchild" and a home is called a "family dwelling." (among others) We are wondering why they chose to use this type of language. Does it reflect some of the rules in this community? Does it reflect a theme in the book?
Think about the characters and the point of view in the story. I will see you tomorrow!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Chapter 1 THE GIVER.

WE HAVE FINALLY STARTED TO READ!!!! Today we begin the novel .....October 20th......and we are, at last, reading a book!
The first chapter establishes the setting and introduces us to Jonas and his family! We learn about the evening ritual in their community. Things seem to be very strange in this place.
Jonas is almost 12 and his sister Lily is a 7. Jonas' father is a "nurturer," an important job in the community. Nurturers care for the newchildren in the community, in their earliest days. Jonas' mom works for the Department of Justice.
The big question is, WHAT IS RELEASE? We have found out that it can be a punishment, something that is celebrated by old people, and it can happen to newchildren. (that is a sad occasion)
As we continue, one other question is: Why is Jonas so apprehensive about the upcoming ceremony?

Write a description of a creature. (There are no animals in the community) Since you have never seen an animal (if you lived in the community) you do not know what this creature is called. Do not use the name of the animal in your description. Remember that your description is limited because of the community's Sameness. Words like feathers, fur and horns are also unfamiliar to you. HAVE FUN!!!!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Let Perfect Begin!!!!!!

We have started our Utopias in class! So Far So Good!
Planning is fun....but lets start creating!
Remember to be kind as you work with others because together we can accomplish anything!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

D.E.A.R. Family Reading Tips

Designate a special time for family reading. Whether it is the morning paper,
books at bedtime or stories after supper, a reading routine becomes something
everyone can look forward to.

Encourage your child’s reading. Praise the efforts of your soon-to-be or
beginning reader. Make sure that the busy schedules of older readers include
time for reading for pleasure.

Allow kids to choose books they are interested in reading or having read aloud.
Be aware of your child’s interests and abilities and make a variety of reading
materials easily accessible.

Register for a library card. If you already have one, use it frequently! Take
advantage of library programs or library book clubs.

Develop a reading-rich environment at home. Furnish your house with books,
newspapers, and magazines. Make sure there are also comfortable places to
read with good lighting.

veryday opportunities for reading abound. From the cereal box at breakfast,
to the weather report in the newspaper, to the road signs on the way to school,
to the note in the lunchbox, to the recipe for dinner—words are everywhere!
Take the time to point them out or ask your child to read them to you.

Ask questions when you are sharing books together. Engage your children in
discussions about the books you read and help them relate to the characters or
situations. Share your own feelings and invite kids to do the same.

Remember, children want to do what the grownups do. So if parents just drop
everything and read, the kids will want to be a part of it!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Back to school night!

What an incredible turn out! Look for pictures....posted soon.....I hope you all know how lucky you are to be so loved!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Literacy Centers


• Identify the type of errors you made by looking at your Benchmark Folder.
• To help remediate your weakness, practice that skill by clicking on a link below under that skill. Follow the directions for each activity carefully.
• Print out the results page for each completed activity to earn back points on your benchmark assessment grade. Write your name on the results page and hand in!

Central Idea/Theme
1. http://www.quia.com/pop/120023.html
2. http://www.quia.com/quiz/1169917.html
3. http://www.proprofs.com/quiz-school/quizshow.php?title=main-idea-benchmark&quesnum=1
4. http://school.discoveryeducation.com/quizzes15/wallaceble/mainidea.html
5. http://www.softschools.com/quizzes/language_arts/main_idea/quiz1510.html
6. http://www.harcourtschool.com/activity/book_buddy/rosie/skill_pre.html
7. http://atlantis.coe.uh.edu/archive/langarts/langarts_lessons/langles3/journald.html
8. http://wps.ablongman.com/long_henry_sr_1/12/3145/805217.cw/index.html
9. http://wps.ablongman.com/long_henry_er_1/0,7989,1832680-,00.html
10. http://wps.ablongman.com/long_henry_er_1/0,7989,1832780-,00.html
11. http://www.beaconlearningcenter.com/weblessons/gettheidea/default.htm#page6

Literary Elements
1. http://www.quia.com/quiz/1314532.html
2. http://www.quia.com/quiz/270936.html
3. http://www.quia.com/quiz/449371.html
4. http://www.funtrivia.com/playquiz/quiz2309931a72b00.html
5. http://www.proprofs.com/quiz-school/story.php?title=literary-elements_4
6. http://school.discoveryeducation.com/quizzes7/msreau/LiteraryElements.html
7. http://www.glencoe.com/sec/literature/course/game/play.phtml?dest=Lit_v52.dcr&width=500&height=300&ini=lesson1.ini&height2=296
9. http://www.squeetus.com/robopork/quiz_lit.asp
10. http://www.edcreate.com/quiz/game.php?id=713
11. http://quizlet.com/60157/english-literary-terms-quiz-9-16-07-flash-cards/ (Click Learn or Test under Study OR Scatter or Speed Race under Play)

Inference/Character Judgment
1. http://www.quia.com/pop/43335.html
2. http://www.quia.com/pop/89733.html
3. http://www.quia.com/ba/41785.html
4. http://www.philtulga.com/Riddles.html
5. http://www.studyzone.org/testprep/ela4/e/drawconclusionsp.cfm
6. http://www.studyzone.org/testprep/ela4/o/makinginferencel.cfm
7. http://www.studyzone.org/testprep/ela4/o/makinginferencep.cfm
8. http://www.hbschool.com/activity/trophies/rsr/build1/RR_e_4_11.htm
9. http://gamequarium.com/readquarium/skillsi-p.html (Click any Inference Activity)
10. http://www.studyzone.org/testprep/ela4/h/inferencesp.cfm
11. http://www.tv411.org/lessons/cfm/reading.cfm?str=reading&num=11&act=2&que=1

Supporting Details
1. http://www.laflemm.com/dynamic/online_practice.php?practice_id=18
2. http://wps.ablongman.com/long_henry_er_1/17/4414/1130236.cw/index.html
3. http://wps.ablongman.com/long_henry_sr_1/12/3145/805256.cw/index.html
4. http://wps.ablongman.com/long_long_rw_2/43/11195/2866145.cw/index.html
5. http://wps.ablongman.com/long_long_srw_1/30/7798/1996414.cw/index.html
6. http://www.proprofs.com/quiz-school/quizshow.php?title=identify-supporting-details&quesnum=1
7. http://literacynetwork.verizon.org/fileadmin/technology/supporting.swf
8. http://wps.ablongman.com/long_henry_er_1/27/7158/1832687.cw/index.html
9. http://cwabacon.pearsoned.com/bookbind/pubbooks/seyler_ab/chapter3/deluxe.html
10. http://cwabacon.pearsoned.com/bookbind/pubbooks/seyler_ab/chapter3/deluxe.html
11. http://cwabacon.pearsoned.com/bookbind/pubbooks/seyler_ab/chapter3/deluxe.html
12. http://cwabacon.pearsoned.com/bookbind/pubbooks/seyler_ab/chapter3/deluxe.html

Text Organization
1. http://www.quia.com/rr/349784.html
2. http://gamequarium.com/readquarium/skillsa-h.html (Click Cause and Effect, Chronological Order and Compare and Contrast)
3. http://www.quia.com/mc/20632.html
4. http://www.quia.com/quiz/1137258.html
5. http://www.quia.com/rr/321552.html
6. http://www.quia.com/cm/406591.html
7. http://web1.asd.k12.pa.us/tp/cavs/6th%20Grade%20Reading.htm (Click Text Organization- An interactive powerpoint will open.)

Author’s Purpose
1. http://www.quia.com/pop/82118.html
2. http://gamequarium.com/readquarium/skillsa-h.html (Click Author’s Purpose)
3. http://fcit.usf.edu/FCAT/strategies/ap/default.htm (Click Strategy Overview then Student Activity)
4. http://www.citycol.com/basic_skills/Quizzes/Purpose/reading_purpose.htm (Click 1 and work through all 10 activities)
5. http://wps.ablongman.com/long_henry_er_1/0,7989,1130503-,00.html
6. http://www.studyzone.org/testprep/ela4/j/authorpurposep.cfm
7. http://www.studyzone.org/testprep/ela4/o/authorspurposep.cfm
8. http://www.fcatexplorer.com/media/parent/tiplister/flash/tip210a.swf
9. http://www.studyzone.org/testprep/ela4/h/authorpur.cfm
10. http://www.oswego.org/ocsd-web/match/term/matchgeneric2.asp?filename=kderitteauth
11. http://www.hbschool.com/activity/trophies/rsr/build1/RR_e_4_20.htm
12. http://fcit.usf.edu/FCAT/strategies/ap/activity1.htm

1. http://www.quia.com/quiz/1044688.html
2. http://www.quia.com/jg/382369.html (Pick a game and play)
3. http://www.quia.com/hm/337032.html
4. http://school.discoveryeducation.com/quizzes7/carey_mcelroy/GenreQuiz2.html
5. http://www.mikids.com/Genres/quiz1.htm
6. http://www.studyzone.org/testprep/ela4/o/genresp.cfm

Vocabulary/Meaning of Word (Context Clues)
1. http://www.quia.com/pop/35971.html
2. http://www.quia.com/rr/151544.html
3. http://www.toonuniversity.com/flash.asp?err=191
4. http://www.bbc.co.uk/spanish/flash/wordmaster/051011_wordmaster_shell_spa.swf
5. http://theflashgames.blogspot.com/2009/03/original-word-burst.html
6. http://www.manatee.k12.fl.us/sites/elementary/samoset/ccdirect.htm
7. http://www.english-zone.com/vocab/vic01.html
8. http://wps.ablongman.com/long_licklider_vocabulary_1/0,1682,11856-,00.utf8.html
9. http://www.english-zone.com/vocab/vic02.html
10. http://www.gamequarium.org/cgi-bin/search/linfo.cgi?id=4253
11. http://www.tv411.org/lessons/cfm/vocabulary.cfm?str=vocabulary&num=11&act=3&que=1
12. http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/web_games_vocab.htm
13. http://www.tv411.org/lessons/cfm/vocabulary.cfm?str=vocabulary&num=11&act=3&que=1

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


DUE DATE: June 9th

A scrapbook is an album in which pictures, newspaper/magazine clippings, etc., may be pasted or mounted in a creative design. Your scrapbook will be of your novel. It should be colorful, creative, and detailed. It should be neatly bound in a folder or a notebook.

Page 1: Cover Sheet (Colorful picture of cover) __________ /5 points
Page 2: Setting (Creatively/clearly shows time and place) __________ /5 points
Page 3: Main Character (Description and illustration) __________ /10 points
Page 4: Main Character (Description and illustration) __________ /10 points
Page 5: Minor Character (Description and illustration) __________ /5 points
Page 6: Beginning of novel (Description and illustration) __________ /5 points
Page 7: Middle of novel/Conflict (Description and illustration) ____ /10 points
Page 8: End of novel/Resolution (Description and illustration) _____ /10 points
Page 9: Quote of Favorite Part (Quote, description, and
illustration) ___ /10 points
On time __________ /5 points
Handed in rubric __________ / 5 points
Used scrap-booking techniques to make your scrapbook neat,
colorful, creative, and detailed __________ /10 points
Spelling and Grammar __________ 10 points
TOTAL __________ /100 POINTS

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Chapter 14

Chapter 14 “Over the Edge”

Brig- 129: A two-masted sailing ship, square-rigged on both masts
Spars – 131: Nautical. A wooden or metal pole, such as a boom, yard, or bowsprit, used to support sails and rigging
Berthed -131: Docked
Trestle -132: A framework consisting of vertical, slanted supports and horizontal crosspieces supporting a bridge.

Edmund goes to the docks to talk to Capt Elias (who isn’t really a captain)

Edmund lies about his aunt and sis….saying they are “home”
Fortnoy is a friend of Elias.
Fortnoy was three days “locked up on the Lady Liberty”.
Elias is sure that Fortnoy was where he was.
Lady Liberty is docked.
Edmund walked the docks.
Edmund sees someone following him.
Sees the boat “sunrise”
Edmund runs to the end of the wharf and then pretends to go off the end …he then climbs under the wharf……to come up behind the person following him.
All he saw was white hair…was it Fortnoy?
Went off to Mrs. Whitman’s to find Dupin.

Study Guide;
1. 3 days
2. pretends to go off the end …he then climbs under the wharf……to come up behind the person following him
3. white hair
4. Fortnoy
5. Mrs. Whitman’s

Chapter 13

Chapter 13 “Our Secret Fears”
*Genially:119: pleasant, friendly
Apparition 120: a ghost like image of a person
Spectral 120: of or like a ghost
*Curt 120: rudely brief
Clerical 120: relating to the clergy
*Orations120:formal speeches
Consort 120: companion
Venomous 121 full of malice/spite
*Mockery 123:ridicule
Onslaught 123: a fierce attack
Improbable 124: not likely to be true
Bestial 124: of or like animal(s)
*Sordid 124: foul
*Daguerreotypes:125 early photo process: light sensitive silver coated metallic plate

Dupin is sweating, sick etc.
Tea at Mrs Whitman's
He saw 5 people at Mrs Whitman's all women were apparitions of the woman in the tomb and the men were Edmund.
Dupin is hallucinating
Dr Dillard, his orations are famous
Mrs Dillard
Mr Arnold
Mr MacFarlane: a poet
Arnold inquires about Poe’s writing
P122 Evil is only the name we give our secret fears
“What if a man orders……
Dupin spoke to Arnold about coat
Mr Arnold leaves
McFarlane – Stories make me uncomfortable speaks of Auguste Dupin
Mrs Whitman speaks of a portrait studio and Dupin flirts and says he will have a portrait done for her to study.

Study Questions
1. the apparition, Edmund
2. a gathering of demons
3. the man who was to marry Mrs Whitman
4. Mr McFarlane
5. crime, brutality, death
6. the name we give our secret fears
7. what they know best
8. he leaves
9. he is a character in one of Poe’s stories
10. Mrs. Whitman
11. have his portrait done
12. he says he never knows

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Chapter 12

Chapter 12 “To See a Ghost”
Astounded (112): amazed surprised
Daft (113):silly foolish crazy
Monotonous (114):without change
Accustomed (114):used to
Engulfed (115):swallow up, surrounded by
Retorted (115): answer
Leer (115) :evil glance
Crypt (116):underground vault
Stern (116):harsh

Edmund is watching the Hotel American House
Catherine comes out with a man(Rachett)
Edmund is being followed
Throck says he didn’t see the vision of the woman in the graveyard
Dupin went into the mausoleum and found a straw mattress on the floor
Throck followed Dupin into the tomb…he thinks that Dupin is following him
Throck (to Dupin) “Why are you in the graveyard?”
Dupin “I’m here to meet someone”
Thinks he sees the dead woman – it is Mrs Whitman
Mrs Whitman asks “Have you been drinking?” He says he is in pain….missing her
Mrs Powers is intercepting notes
“We will be surrounded by enemies”
Study Questions:
1. Mr Rachett…****Change question…cross out DUPIN….write in Catherine
2. He was being followed
3. if he saw the ghost
4. to the masoleum
5. Throck
6. Mrs Whitman
7. Mrs Whitman’s mother intercepted it
8. Predict

Chapter 11

Chapter 11:” Beyond the Cemetery Gate”
Plodding: 105 slow, sluggish
Abutted:106 next to
Sconces107: a bracket extending from a wall that holds a candle
Scrutinized 107: inspected
Obscured107: hid
Notion109: idea
Mausoleum109: tomb
Bramble110: prickly bush
Trod:110 tread , walk
HEMP107…Asian herb grown for tough fiber.

Someone is following Dupin Edmund also followed Dupin to church
Unitarian church……. matched bell rope to rope in the vault
Child loaded brick into basket after being lowered down shaft.
Bank is next to church alley behind
Dupin figured horse and carriage …stand on top….get on bank roof Lower a child and a basket and remove gold and child.
Catherine ran away from the house went to the Hotel American House
Dupin in the cemetery
Sees a woman(looks like Aunty) coming from mausoleum …….looking for her children Something scares the woman
Throck grabs Dupin
Study Questions:
1. to see if he truly goes to Mrs. Whitman’s
2. someone else is following him too
3. it is similar to the rope in the bell tower.
4. a child was lowered through the roof opening and passed the gold up in a basket
5. Mrs. Whitman’s
6. The Hotel American House
7. it would look like he was just emerging from death
8. The ghost of the woman taken from the bay
9. Throck

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Chapter 10

Chapter 10 “The One Who Murdered Her”
Divulge (93): reveal, tell
Glowered (94)angrily stared
Stymied (94): block, frustrate
Solicitude (94): showing concern/ worry
Stammered (94) stuttered
Stifle (96): stop/hold back
Contract(97) shrink
Basin (97)wide shallow bowl
Sullenly (98)silent because a person is angry, sad or hurt
Wince(98) drawback usually twisting your face
Somberly(101) darkly gloomily
Oath(101)serious statement in the name of god

Edmund gives a message from Mrs. Whitman to Mr Dupin. Dupin asks should I marry Mrs Whitman?
Dupin threatens Edmund …says he writes what will happen and he will ruin it for Edmund.
Edmund tells Dupin about the “break in”
Edmunds first father dies stepfather abandoned him (Mr. Rachett)
Mum came to America to find Rachett, get money and a divorce>
Dupin sends Edmund to the docks to talk to Captain Elias and see if Fortnoy lied under oath.

Study Questions:
1. why she was stolen
2. if he should marry Mrs Whitman
3. he is upset that he wasn’t told sooner
4. that he had a stepfather named Rachett
5. took her money and left
6. to find Rachett and get money and get a divorce
7. ask Capt. Elias about the Lady Liberty
8. he wants to see if Fortnoy lied under oath
9. Fortnoy

Chapter 9 "News of Sis"

Chapter 9: “News of Sis”
Balustrade(84): railing
Discreet(86) : able to keep a secret
Hastened (86): accelerated/ Hurried
Dubiously (89): doubtfully, uncertainly
Intoned (90): chant
Calamities (90): disasters
Resolution (91): decision

Edmund looks at Dupin’s notebook
Peterson the young accountant has white hair/
Someone broke into the room and into Aunty’s trunk (with a key) they took a drawing of Aunty and Mum.
Dupin is drunk and goes to the clothier on Wickendon St.
Clerk tells a story of a man who was having a coat made and ran off when a beggar boy came in (Edmund)
Mr. Rachett is the man in the clothier.
Dupin is getting married.
Throck was following Dupin
Dupin calls himself Edward Grey
Rachett knows Peterson Rachett left a message for him …a note (urgent)He reads it later and says “at the hotel”
Peterson wants to be an inspector. (lives in the Hotel American House)

Study Questions :
1. Dupin is gone/notebook
2. an investigator
3. Throck
4. everything is in shambles
5. A picture of Aunty and Mum
6. Mr Rachett
7. He has news of Sis
8. Predict

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Chapter 8

Chapter 8 “A Perfect Tomb”

Fretful 71: worried
Obliged 71obligated
Decency 72 politeness
Chiding 72: scolding
Reverberating 73: echoing
Fused 73 combined
Fantastical73 tremendous
Concocted 73: invented
Piqued 74: aroused
Loiterers 74 people hanging around
Plight 75 trouble or problem
Admiration 75 respect, appreciation
Affirmation 76: state positively
Ledger 77: account book
Pulpit 77: platform, podium
Tentatively 79:subject to change
Illusion 80 fantasy, false impression

Mrs Powers talks to Mr Arnold they speak of Mr Arnold with Mrs Whitman instead of Poe.
Edmund finds a note in code on the floor at Mrs Whitman’s .
Mrs Whitman asks about Mr Dupins drinking and sends a message with Edmund meet her at 3:30 at the graveyard Church St entrance.
Mr Peterson is at the bank
Mr Poley is the boss at the bank
Poe goes into the bank
Finds a button and some string …the air shaft must be the way the robber got in
The Gold came in by boat in the night
Study Questions
1. visit Mrs. Whitman
2. Mr Arnold and Mrs. Powers
3. The man she is supposed to marry and her mother
4. a piece of paper with odd writing on it.
5. never to drink again
6. if he is drinking
7. come to the graveyard at 3:30
8. to learn about the robbery
9. a white button
10. no grown person would fit
11. he faints

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Chapter 7

Chapter 7 “A Judgment of Murder”
Vestibule p64 enclosed entrance
chaise p64 a chair built like a couch
curtsied p65 bow made by bending the knees
soot p.68: black powder
garlanded p68: decorated with
ponderously p68: clumsily
malice p70 ill will
aforethought p70 done deliberately
pitiable p70 pitiful
torpor p70 extreme sluggishness
vengeance p70 revenge
abyss p70 bottomless pit

Edmund goes to Mrs Whitman's meets servant girl Catherine
Mrs Whitman's mom is Mrs Powers
Mrs Whitman wants to know if Dupin is drinking
Mrs Whitman sends Edmund to the kitchen for food before leaving
Dupin is in the courthouse
P 68: Fortnoy is described as bent and white haired
As Dupin watches Fortnoy and Throck testifies>>>>woman has marks on her throat >>>Dupin falls asleep and dreams of a phantom (the dead woman) in the court room

Study Questions
1. he is dirty
2. it was murder
3. he is drunk
4. the dead woman
5. predict

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Chapter 6

Chapter 6: “The Providence Night Watch”

Furrowed: (55) wrinkled
Cashiered: (56) dismissed from a position of command
Discomfited(57):made uncomfortable
Affronted(57) insulted
Portly(59) overweight (big)
Florid(59) flushed with rosy color
Admonition(60) warning
Dismissive(61) unconcerned

Dupin shows Throck his observation skills
Suggests Throck was thrown out of the army for fighting
Edmund went to the clothier saw a man there who left
Edmund returns to Dupin and Dupin is drunk he sends Edmund to give a letter to Mrs Whitman (personally)
When Edmund leaves Dupin asks for directions to courthouse.

Study Questions
1. kicked out due to violence
2. They are much the same. They were both abandoned,lost their fathers, dead mother, and someone called Sis.
3. the death of sis
4. the bank robbery
5. tells him to leave
6. He acts like he doesn’t know him
7. deliver another note to Mrs. Whitman

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Chapter 5

Chapter 5
“An Old Man With White Hair”

Quelling: p46B putting something at bay…overcoming
Insinuated: p48M get in subtly
Detained: p50B delayed
Clothier: p53M Maker or seller of clothing
“Idle chatter”: p53B Worthless talk
Reluctantly: p54M holding back
Duress: p51B under force
Consorting: p51B associated with …hanging out with

Dupin and Edmund find a plank and a button in the opposite room in the next tenement. Talked to the woman in charge of the next tenement- she is almost blind- she rented a room to a Mr. Smith …he was large and had a friend. Dupin is figuring that Sis Mum and Aunty and the old man are connected.
They go to the café …Throck is there …they eat Dupin drinks, Dupin sends Edmund to get a price on having a coat made …”be gone 1/2 hour exactly”.

Study Questions
1. A button from Sis’s shoe
2. she was forced
3. he is never there and wanted a specific room
4. someone waited until Edmund left the room and someone else detained him on the street
5. inform the authorities
6. to get a coat
7. Throck was approaching Dupin

Chapter 4

Chapter 4 “Meddle at your Peril”

Berated: 37 scolded harshly
Courtship:37 dating
Voracious:38 exceeding, large
Principals:38 leading persons
Remunerative: 38 gainful or for profit
Self Loathing: 39 self hating
Meddle: 39 interfere
Peril: 39 danger
Squalor: 39 state of being filthy or dirty
Flagged:39 lose strength or spirit
Feigning: 39 pretending, faking
Sullenly: 40 gloomily silent
Loo/privy: 43 outdoor bathroom

Dupin wakes up hung over reads the newspaper (p38)
Tries to sneak out Edmund wakes up.
Ed tells Dupin sis is 11 and his twin (it runs in their family) Mum has been gone 1 year.
A sailor brought a letter to Aunty ….Ed and Dupin decide sis must have left through the window and have gone into the other building. (Aunty’s trunk is locked) Went outside to look at buildings…they are identical. They find the room opposite Edmund's room and knock…no one answers and Dupin forces the door open.

Study questions
1. Meddle at your Peril
2. to look for mum
3. a year ago
4. she received a message
5. so they can leave to go to the bathroom
6. into the next building

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Chapter 3 TMWWP

Chapter 3 "Steps in the Night"
Meager: sparse 29t
Saloon: Bar room 29m
Pang: sudden sharp pain p30b 34
Shrouds: cloth over a corpse p31m
Rebuked: reprimand sharply p31b
Providential p35 occurring at a favorable (good) time
Fitful: restless35
Vipers: snakes 36
Marred: damaged 36

Sis was the name of Dupin’s late wife
They live on the 4th floor
Edmund and Dupin return to the tenement Sis is not there.
Edmund insists that “it wasn’t Aunty’s dress”
Dupin writes as Edmund goes for food
Dupin drinks and falls asleep.
Edmund hears foot steps in the darkness on the way to the saloon and sees light hair….but the image disappears.
Edmund buys 2 candles and a meat pie.
When Ed leaves the saloon Throck is talking about him when Fortnoy arrives …thin face, high collar and muffler (scarf)
Fortnoy has been following Ed and Dupin and reporting to Throck.
Reward for Mrs G Rachett (London< England)( this is what Throck is working on)
Stepfather”s business Aunty called it shameful
Edmund falls asleep after eating back at the tenement….Dupin hears footsteps in the hall.
Dupin hallucinates and a note is slipped under the door

P.31…..time….it has been barely 24 hours

Study Guide
1. His dead wife’s name
2. to the saloon
3. he writes
4. Aunty’s shadow
5. Fortnoy
6. 1848
7. ate 1/2 the pie
8. a piece of paper

Chapter 2 TMWWP

24. Quay- Wharf: Platform built on the shore or out from the shore beside which ships can load and unload.
24 buoy- floating marker in the water
25 spasmodically: in spasm
24 great coat - over coat
26 paupers field-a cemetery where people can be buried who are unidentified or have no money
26 inquest: a hearing concerning a death
26 prow: the front part of a ship

Ed and Dupin head back to the tenement
Dupin wants to go to the docks
Edmund seems nervous: says Aunty and Sis must be back
Dupin speaks of “what we want to happen and what actually happened”
Dupin makes Edmund go to the docks
See 2 men on the dock with a lantern.
Character(focus on )
One holding the lantern (Asa Throck)
Powerful build
Huge hands
Broad flat round face
Disfiguring scar left cheek
Bald head fringe of hair that touched his collar
Jacket with a brass star: emblem of the Providence night watch
Mr. Fortnoy
Short ferret faced white haired older man wiry body
Coiled upon himself in a stoop
Shifty eyes
Dead woman on the dock fair hair, eyes open look of shock
Ivory dress, thin body ghastly pretty looked like Edmund
Fortnoy just pulled her out…after finishing his watch
Edmund thinks the body is Aunty with a different dress
1. Go to the docks
2. to the docks
3. They are at home
4. a dead woman
5. She looks like Edmund
6. to identify it
7. leaving his aunty

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Chapter 1

Chapter 1
“Might I Know Your Name?”

Carpetbag: a carrying bag made from a heavy material
Contempt: the feeling one has toward something worthless
Unitarian: a Christian sect
Vicious: forceful,intense
Wretchedness: very unhappy miserable
Recess: hidden or inner place
Intensity: great energy
Gratitude: thankful appreciation
Penetrating: sharp, piercing

Study questions :
1. writer
2. letter
3. runs into him
4. deliver a letter
5. Is there a story here?
6. Edgar Allan Poe

The Man Who was Poe

Tenement: a house divided into apartments(p.3 top)
Piteously: arousing pity (p.9 top)
Baleful: deadly ominous (p.7 bottom)
Decrepit: Broken down by old age (p.6 bottom)
Stench: a strong foul odor (p.6 bottom)
Dismal: causing gloom or depression (p.6 bottom)
Hodgepodge: a jumble (p.7 middle)

*Notes: Providence Rhode Island Nov 1848
Ann St tenement, table, chair, trunk.
Mum is missing.
Aunty went looking for her.
Sis reads Hansel and Gretel.
Edmund leaves the tenement to go to the saloon on Wickendon St for food.
Gets a half loaf of bread.
Edmund meets bent old man (on his way home), he needs help to find Shamrock St).
When Edmund returns Sis is gone, but the door is still locked.

*Answers Study Questions:
1. with Mum making a home for them
2. England
3. to get food
4. half a loaf of bread
5. guide him to Shamrock Street
6. Sis was gone

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Chapter 22

1. It is a part of life, a sad fact of life but the sort of thing that would happen in Maycomb in the 1930s.

2. Atticus was appointed on purpose, because he was the only one who had a chance to get Tom a positive verdict. Many people in the town , although they did not speak out FOR Tom Robinson, were not against him.

3. He wants to laugh AT people! He will probably change his mind because he is still young.

4. Answer on your own

5. Maybe the appeal or just his actions in the court? He is certainly capable of something violent.

Chapter 21

1. Not guilty. Atticus does not think the same.

2. It takes longer than they thought. Yes, in the south in the 1930s.

3. She thinks back to the incident with Tim Johnson. That may tie into the theme of the "mockingbird."

Chapter 20

Friday, January 22, 2010

Chapter 19

1. He was asked to bust up a chiffarobe by Mayella Ewell.
The first time he went into the house was because Mayella said there was a problem with the hinges on the front door.

2.She has no friends, doesn't know what a friend really is, White people don't like her because she lives with pigs, Blacks don't like her because she is white, she didn't have money, she didn't come from a "good" family.

3. Mr Ewell does not have time for his daughter or any of his children. Although there is a reference to him, perhaps having an inappropriate relationship with her.

4. Dill cries, he is so upset by the injustice in the situation.

Chapter 18

1. She seems to be a lot like her father in her attutude toward the court.

2. She is lying, and nervous about her father finding out the truth.

3. She thinks Atticus is mocking her. She is not used to anyone ever being polite to her.

4. I don't think he khas proven anything to me, the jury of white people in 1935 probably convicted Tom before he took the stand.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

QUIZ!!!! Hints.......

1. ______ Calpurnia's oldest son, is the town garbage collector. He is one of only four people in First Purchase church who can read

2. ______ has three children and is the wife of Tom Robinson

3. ______ leads the mob that tries to lynch Tom Robinson the night before the trial. Only when Scout comes and talks to him about his son, does he turn his back and leaves with the mob, because he is reminded that Atticus has kids as well.

4. ______ is the town sheriff and a friend of Atticus's

5. ______ owns and also publishes the articles in The Maycomb Tribune, was prepared to defend Atticus from the Cunningham mob.

6. ______ owns cotton fields in Maycomb who employs Tom

7. ______ forces the congregation each to donate 10 cents for Tom Robinson's family since at the time.

8. ______ is a white-haired old man with a reputation for running his court in an informal fashion

9. ______ is a lawyer from Abbottsville, and is the prosecuting attorney for Bob and Mayella Ewell.

10. ______ is a wealthy but disliked white man who had children with a black woman. He is often drinking something out of a brown paper bag.

Chapter 17

1. He was alerted by Bob Ewell. Bob told him the story. Heck went and picked up Tom Robinson. Atticus makes the point that Mayella was never taken to the doctor.

2. The children are uneducated, uncared for, must fend for themselves and they depend on charity. We might suspect that Mr Ewell is abusive and drinks.

3. We learn that he heard Mayella screaming and then saw Tom in the house raping his daughter.

4. Atticus wants to see which hand he writes with. The jury sees that Mr. Ewell is left handed.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Chapter 16

1. Alexandra is getting on Atticus' nerves.

2. The towns people think he drinks all the time. He lives with and has children with a black woman. His children are mixed.

3. He brings the children to the "colored balcony."

4. His courtroom was run in an informal way, he often propped up his feet and cleaned his nails, he would even doze. He did keep a firm grip on the courtroom.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Chapter 15

1. Scout and Jem witness the hatred of a mob, the horrors of racism and they see their father in a vulnerable position.


3.He shakes his head and stands his ground. He will not leave. He may be attempting to protect his father.

4. She talks to Walter Cunningham....

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Chapter 14

1. Atticus uses "legal" terms to explain rape to Scout. This answer seems to satisfy Scout even though she doesn't understand it. (perhaps she just wanted to know IF Atticus would tell her not What Atticus would tell her)

2. Aunt Alexandra says that the family does not need her anymore. Atticus says that Cal can stay as long as she wants, she is part of the family.

3. Scout is pleased because it meant they are still equals....even though Jem seems to be growing up. Scout is upset when Jem tells Atticus because he broke the remaining code of childhood.

4. Dill's family loves him and treats him well but he feels they would be better off without him. It sounds as if he is jealous of his new father. He wants to be with Scout

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Chapter 13

1. She and Atticus feel that Scout needs a "feminine influence" and that she knows what is best for the family

2. Yes, She is bossy and thinks she knows better then everyone else.

3.She believes this because Scout does not act like a young lady, she gets dirty, hates dresses, she is a tomboy.

4. She has the ladies over to gossip.

5. Aunt Alexandra thinks that the kids need to know they are not just run of the mill people and that they need to live up to their name..."Finch." Atticus realizes that this is not the way he feels his children need to be raised.

Chapter 12

1. Lula did not want the white children in the church, others, including Zeebo and Reverend Sykes were happy to have them. The service was similar to the service in their own church except there were no prayer books or hymnals.....the members of the church did what was called "lining" to sing their hymns.

2. One of the first things Scout learns is that prejudice is a two-way street. Scout also learns more about Tom Robinson and the case that Atticus is taking on. She finds out that Helen, Tom's wife, has no income now that Tom's in jail and that Rev. Sykes will "sweat" the money out of the congregation keeping them in church until enough money has been raised by the congregation.

3. Calpurnia was taught to read by Miss Buford from a book that Granddaddy Finch gave her.
Cal, in turn, taught her oldest son Zeebo, to read

4. She doesn't want people to think she is putting on "airs." She says " It's not nessesary to tell all you know. It's not lady-like---in the second place, folks don't like to have somebody around knowin' more than they do. It aggravates 'em. You're not gonna change any of them by talkin' right, they've got to want to learn themselves, and when they don't want to learn there's nothing you can do but keep your mouth shut or talk their language."

Sunday, January 10, 2010


I hope you did well...it was posted but now I have taken it down.....

Friday, January 8, 2010

Chapter 11

1. "You just hold your head high and be a gentleman" Don't let her make you mad.

2. She says she was a lovely lady and Jem is livid.

3. He must read to her for a month 2 hours a day!

4. Atticus says "that don't mean anything,ignorant, trashy people use it.

5. Because she is trying to beat a morphine addiction just because she wants to die free.

6. He means that she is dying and the morphine would help...but she is suffering instead so she can die free of this addiction.

7. Answers will vary.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

chapter 10

1.It was her view when she was younger. After the events of the chapter Scout realizes that Atticus is not as feeble as she once thought.

2. He tells them this because he doesn't want them shooting at the mockingbirds because as Miss Maudie states "Mockingbirds don't do one thing but sing their hearts out for us" (They never do anything "bad")

3. Heck Tate (the sheriff of Maycomb county) wants Atticus to shoot Tim Johnson because he is a better shot. Tim Johnson is a mad dog!


Chapter 9

1. Atticus wants to do his best, even though he knows he won't win. Racism still exists in the court system in Alabama in this time period.

2. The good side, the Christmas tree, Uncle Jack and the food at Aunt Alexandria. The bad side was cold Aunt Alexandra and Francis.

3. You are getting older and acting inappropriate. He wants Scout to grow up to be a lady.

4. She is a racist

5. Scout learns of how much Atticus values his children and hoe he hopes that his children are not affected by his defending Tom Robinson.

6. Answers will vary.

Chapter 8

Chapter 7

chapter 6

Monday, January 4, 2010

Chapter 5 answers

Chapter 5
Describe Miss Maudie Atkinson? How typical is she of Maycomb's women? What do the children think of her?
Miss Maudie Atkinson - The Finches’ neighbor, a sharp-tongued widow, and an old friend of the family. Miss Maudie is almost the same age as Atticus’s younger brother, Jack. Miss Maudie keeps to herself except when a neighbor is in need. Unlike most of Maycomb's other townspeople, Maudie's friendship also extends to the town's black citizens. She shares Atticus’s passion for justice and is the children’s best friend among Maycomb’s adults.

What does Miss Maudie tell Scout about Boo? How does this compare with what Scout already believes?
Miss Maudie told Scout that Boo is still alive, and he just stays in his house. She says that Boo's father is a "foot-washing" Baptist who believed that most people will go to Hell. Also, that Boo was always polite and spoke nicely when he was a kid

Scout claims that “Dill could tell the biggest ones ” (lies) she ever heard. Why might Dill have told such lies?
Divorce & single-parenthood (outside of that brought about through the death of a spouse) were very shameful things in the 1930's. Dill was an outsider simply because of his birth. The aunt he stayed with was a gossip, so you can bet the whole town knew about Dill's situation and probably talked about him. He knew it, and he tried to compensate by creating a world that was better than what he had. His escape was his imagination where he could pick his family, make his father a hero, and make himself loved.

What reasons does Atticus give for the children not to play the Boo Radley game? Do you think he is right? Why?
The children, Scout, Jem, and Dill, have been acting out their ideas about the Radleys in much the same way they had previously acted out stories they had read. This shows that they view the family as just a part of their fictional games. They don't see the Radleys as real people and the don't realize that their game may be hurtful to real humans behind the Radley windows. Atticus catches them and orders them to “stop tormenting that man” with either notes or the “Boo Radley” game. As an adult, Atticus can see the real hurt the game may be causing. In a quiet way, he reminds the children that “What Mr. Radley does is his own business.” So Atticus has taught the children as lesson about respecting other people.