Thursday, May 20, 2010

Chapter 8

Chapter 8 “A Perfect Tomb”

Fretful 71: worried
Obliged 71obligated
Decency 72 politeness
Chiding 72: scolding
Reverberating 73: echoing
Fused 73 combined
Fantastical73 tremendous
Concocted 73: invented
Piqued 74: aroused
Loiterers 74 people hanging around
Plight 75 trouble or problem
Admiration 75 respect, appreciation
Affirmation 76: state positively
Ledger 77: account book
Pulpit 77: platform, podium
Tentatively 79:subject to change
Illusion 80 fantasy, false impression

Mrs Powers talks to Mr Arnold they speak of Mr Arnold with Mrs Whitman instead of Poe.
Edmund finds a note in code on the floor at Mrs Whitman’s .
Mrs Whitman asks about Mr Dupins drinking and sends a message with Edmund meet her at 3:30 at the graveyard Church St entrance.
Mr Peterson is at the bank
Mr Poley is the boss at the bank
Poe goes into the bank
Finds a button and some string …the air shaft must be the way the robber got in
The Gold came in by boat in the night
Study Questions
1. visit Mrs. Whitman
2. Mr Arnold and Mrs. Powers
3. The man she is supposed to marry and her mother
4. a piece of paper with odd writing on it.
5. never to drink again
6. if he is drinking
7. come to the graveyard at 3:30
8. to learn about the robbery
9. a white button
10. no grown person would fit
11. he faints

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