Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Let's start reading already!!!!

Today we finish up the group presentations and answer some pre reading questions.

1. What if you were only allowed to read books that were chosen for you? How would you feel about that?

2. What are some daily routines or schedules that are followed by your family?

Describe them

3. How far back can you remember in your life? What is that earliest memory?

4. Think about the rules and regulations that affect you at home, in school, and in your community. Are there any that you consider unfair? Do you think there are ever circumstances under which you would be justified in breaking an important rule? Explain your reasoning.

I ask you to give The Giver a chance. The first couple chapters of the book are the "exposition" and sometimes they can seen boring and pointless...I promise it will get better! Please don't make any judgment until after chapter 4!
I am looking forward to reading this with you! It is one of my favorites!

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