Wednesday, October 28, 2009


So, today we find out that there is another ritual in this community.....Dream Telling. Citizens are required to tell their dreams in the morning. Jonas doesn't dream very often but last night he had a dream. He dreamt about Fiona in the bathing room at The House of the Old. He wanted to bathe her, but she was laughing and wouldn't let him. He says he knew something was wrong about it, but it was a pleasurable dream. His parents explain that this is his first "stirrings" and he will need to take a pill.....for the rest of his days until he goes to The House of the Old. (when he is old) Jonas takes the pill, it is a kind of "rite of passage" toward adulthood. He begins to forget his dream right after he takes the pill and leaves his house for school.
There are a lot of strong feelings in class about this whole idea! Isn't having feelings for other people what makes us human and not robots? Isn't have feelings for others part of what makes life exciting? WOW, most 8th graders don't want to live in this community!
Keep Reading!

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